Dear Ladies,
Finally, additional tips tu dh sampai semlm. So yg ada order additional tips ss12 and cluster tips, sila email me, attach sekali ur earlier FE so I can refer how the deposit that u've made for the tips. Shipping for these tips will be complimentary via Pos Express, but if u all nak secure shipping, add RM2 for pos laju. This complinentary shipping for the tips only for those yg ordered with the applicators sebelum ni. Disebabkan arrivals of items not at the same time, tht's why I give free shipping for the tips ek.
Boths tips are RM35.
I also have additional SC applicators for sale, I have 8 units gitu, yg dulu ada order and paid deposit but tak complete bop, pls do so before I let go ur applicators kat org lain. Deposits paid earlier are non-refundable, pls take note!
SC Applicator and additional Tips:1. Seha -
2. Kimi -
shipped3. Sda
4. Siti -
shipped5. Azizah Din-
6. Faezah -
Additional Tips:
1. Alwani -
shipped2. Wan Haslina-
shipped 3. Syafinaz-
shipped4. Norazamimah-
Shipping will be on Wednesdays.
Happy fasting all!