I really like this jersey! It's berkaki, both ends have more black compared to the middle. This piece I positioned the kaki at the back end of the tudung. I have 2 pcs available:-
1. Labuh depan 56cm, sesuai for those yg suka labuh2...UmmuY, I have u in mind! This piece is priced at RM70. If u opt for jersey awning, price is RM67. Shld be ready for delivery towards the end of next week. Sold to Ummuy
2. Ariana, labuh depan 43cm, this piece is priced at RM60. If u opt for jersey awning, price is RM57. Shld be ready towards the end of next week. Booked by Ummi
If anybody would like to place an MTO using this jersey, pls email for quotes. Other styles wld be Tudung Jakarta, TE, Oblong, TCT.
Current book order for this jersey:
1. TCT -Pink
2. Oblong - Nadia
3. Tudung Jakarta - Pink
4. Ariana labuh - wan
P/s I cut a piece as TCT for moi! Hehhehe!

ok kak,sett!
urs then, dear!:)
OMG! I fall in luv with this one...:) nak la jugak satu, ada lagi ke?
alamak terhantar lak...yg kat atas ni I la
tak tau la yela...tangan sampai menggigil tengok yg ni...;)sampai terhantar dua kali....bole lagi ke
then u take yg ariana tu ek? still available.
kak,mine you letak bling2 yang sesuai ye,hehehe..nanti cakap kat email berapa lagi i kena tambah..
sure ummuy..im thinking some black diamond and shadow crystals interspersed with some ab for the extra zing!
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