Bibi bought these dresses for the girls from Indon...they are...ummm...errr....sendiri tgk la ek! But the girls love them!! Ish...ish...nnti people will think...their Mommy has lost it!
Ni dia my boy, the apple of my eyes! Tgh tunggu turn dia nak potong rambut.
Saja tepek something personal for a change...asyik2 tudung aje! :P

lama tunggu sis post family picture...wah sume cantik2 belaka mcm mommy die...ehehehehe...meriah skit blog ader gambo family...ehehehe...
wah the elder one photostat mommy features lor...comel2 sume....kecik2 dah pandai posing...3 orang jer ker hehehehe
cukup la cik pon! mommy dorang dh over the hill dah!
susi..tu le...kasi hiburan sikit. asyik2 business aje!
Comel2nya your kids, the 2 girls to mcm mewarisi kecantikan mommynya, & boy .. hmm handsome
me...ur CE akan ready for shipping next week. bila dh break ni...lembab gila nak start balik!
my son looks like my hb..sebijik! but rasanya Daddy dia tak le handsome...handsome di mata i aje!
Yela, I think ur girls have grown sooo fast from the last time i met them.. which was what, 2 months ago je!! ur girls are sooo friendly, senang mesra, n baik, dgr kata :)
yeah..bibik da balik!
yeah, kat! and sorry ya ampun...i tak godek lagi my ts nya tong for ur ts. so this weekend i will do it, and post to u on monday ek. ampunnnnnn!
yup bbpie....she saves my life!
hidup bibik!!
Semoga tokei akan lebih produktif selepas ni!!!neu
muahahah @ yus! next week akan mula bergerak lebih aktif mesin2 ku itu! new port, new semangat. Semoga dapat la ku clearkan order2 lama ni dlm 2 weeks ini. tak sabar ni nak unveil new CEs and some readystock.
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