By following the instructions given, your orders will be made clear and easy to process. This will enable us to ship out your orders faster! - MTO Specs [under construction] -
BOP - Balance of Payment CE - Cynosure's Exclusive CEAE - Cynosure's Exclusive A'fitri Edition CJ - Cotton Jersey CPC - Cynosure's Personal Collections FE - Format Mail KS - Korean Stones MQ - Mikawah Quality MTO - Made to Order PJ - Printed Jersey PO - Post Office SC - Swarovski Crystals SCJ - Stripey Cotton Jersey SK - Starter's Kit TCT - Tudung CT TE - Tudung Eenez aka Scallop TS - Thai Silk
yela, dah ada org yg punya ke
boleh selit lagi..nnti mlm i cek exactly berapa set leh buat eh.
zuwaidah, ada 1m piece, 1.1 m piece (for TE). awning tu pulak ada 2 keping aje lagi.
ok, confirmed ambil yg set ini. jap saya gi buat payment semua rm36 kan...postage tunggu dulu mungkin saya collect sendiri...
I baru saja buat payment, nanti u check yaaaa
ok, zu..thx!
ok, zu..thx!
cik2 and puan2 seme...this set is sold out. thx!
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