Finally, tercapai hasrat ku to own an interlock machine, alhamdulillah! No more twin needle dah...though I will keep it on a stand-by for an emergency...kot2 my monster ni buat hal!
The 3rd Cynosure will see the effect of this machine on the finishing...jgn ingat cun gila2....masih dlm proses mengenal hati budi masing2! :P So if ada cam selekeh sikit...ampun dan maaf...akan ku cuba yg terbaik. Sbb nak yg terbaik la ku invest in this machine. Rasa cam nak let go my overlock mchine je...nnti la biar ku pertimbangkan hal ini. In comparison...the Singer overlock so easy peasy to use. May be sbb dh biasa, mula2 dulu pun payah gak!
So ladies....aspire towards owning one of these get the best finishing possible for ur precious customers!

Pegasus W600 Series : W664-03FB

mesin jait tepi lama tk nk jual ke ?? hehe
wah...dah maju setapak..chaiyok sis...lps ni leh amik upah kelim ler plak...ehehehe...berapa rege mesin ni..?? marvellous la..cynosure dah std ariani nya kualiti..mau naik rege lagi ni....ekekekekee
fadz...mcm nak jual je yg singer nya tu!! heheheh!
susi...what to do...cost udah meningkat! i ni very particular about finishing...tu yg teringin sgt machine ni.
Rege nk dekat RM4k, 2nd hand. Brand new katanya over RM10k. Ketar nak sign cheque!
wow yela..
kalau dah mcm ini punya canggih manggih gadjet u ada kat umah, might as well u belajar buat baju kurung & so on.. senang mak nak masuk menempah nanti.. :D
kak siti...buat baju ek...dh tu bila masa ku nak buat nya nnti???
kerja official lagi, bzness kain lagi, buat tudung lagi....badan ku dh dibahagi 3 as it is!! tak masuk nak kena jadik mommy and wife....fuh...superwoman pun tak leh juggle all these!
but mmg ada angan2 ku nak buat tunics and all. hmmm....boleh ke??
betul ke u nk jual ? i mmg tgh cari 2nd hand jait tepi ni ? model ape ? bape nk let go ? pape email me ya.. tq tq
fadz..itu la perancangannya! mine is Singer 14N555. Retailed at RM1250. but i havent decided yet abt selling it!
But if u seriously looking, i can ask the uncle for u.
yela, ada lagi ke mesin tu kat kedai? i pun nak jugak satuuuuu
kimi..nnti i tanya uncle tu ek.
cayalah k.yela!!!
mmg i serious tgh cari 2nd hand jait tepi ni... nnt dh tanya, bgth i yer.. tq tq
tahniah kpd tokei yg semakin maju..
saya nk bg awardla kat akak!!!
muahahhah! award menghabiskan duit ke?? mcm la business ku juta2! kalah membeli betul la!
wahh congrats yela!//jeles niii..hikhik
duit terkumpul lom cukup tinggi laa..hehe
eva...very funny! tokeh besar sure dh terlebih duit terkumpul tu!! eh, email me the u-tube like to ur TV2 appearance hari tu ek. thx!
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