By following the instructions given, your orders will be made clear and easy to process. This will enable us to ship out your orders faster! - MTO Specs [under construction] -
BOP - Balance of Payment CE - Cynosure's Exclusive CEAE - Cynosure's Exclusive A'fitri Edition CJ - Cotton Jersey CPC - Cynosure's Personal Collections FE - Format Mail KS - Korean Stones MQ - Mikawah Quality MTO - Made to Order PJ - Printed Jersey PO - Post Office SC - Swarovski Crystals SCJ - Stripey Cotton Jersey SK - Starter's Kit TCT - Tudung CT TE - Tudung Eenez aka Scallop TS - Thai Silk
punyer la scrool down.. hingat i punya..hehehe.. sy punya hari jugak ke pos
u punya esok eh post. so u leh dpt on Thursday. mlm ni akan difinishkan.
ok.. tq.. pos skali kain yg order baru tu ke?.. nnti let me know balance hutang i.. shipping cost mesti bertambah sbb byk lai.. berat gak tuh..
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