Finally the 6th CE edition is completed, Alhamdullilah! The Pegasus guy came just now to fix the machine, and weheyyy...udah siap semuanya! So owners of this edition, pls complete BOP if you haven't yet ya.
So tudung2 lain yg tgh outstanding for finishing, akan dpt la kita proceed dgn coverstitch finishing instead of having to resort to twin needle. I hope the Pegasus will not be attacked by angin pus-pus lagi! :)
By following the instructions given, your orders will be made clear and easy to process. This will enable us to ship out your orders faster! - MTO Specs [under construction] -
BOP - Balance of Payment CE - Cynosure's Exclusive CEAE - Cynosure's Exclusive A'fitri Edition CJ - Cotton Jersey CPC - Cynosure's Personal Collections FE - Format Mail KS - Korean Stones MQ - Mikawah Quality MTO - Made to Order PJ - Printed Jersey PO - Post Office SC - Swarovski Crystals SCJ - Stripey Cotton Jersey SK - Starter's Kit TCT - Tudung CT TE - Tudung Eenez aka Scallop TS - Thai Silk
2 keping lagi dah selamat kat owner masing2!
salam. bila boleh collect 6th CE ni. Tak sabar nk tgk ni.
kak,saya punya post sekaligus je la ye..nanti akak kira berapa lagi baki kita kena bank in..:)
ummuY dpt tak my email yg citer psl TJ tu? pls reply asap coz now i dh stop work on ur order for Tudung Jakarta .
yg dh siap now are the J1 silver paisley and J1 black with jagged red awning and this CE.
catt...saturday boleh le. kena nak mlm ni or esok? let me know earlier so i leh gosok part kelim tu siap2.
yela, saturday je la i gi ambik. kul brape u available?
im available after 10 am. dtg le.
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