U know what's weird, I love my DIY tudung community. Though we are all in the business of making and selling our handiwork, we are fast becoming friends. Some people would provoke and say..."ni competitor u la ye"...but I don't look at it that way. To me the market is huge, and I'm really surprised to discover how big the market can be! I don't want the whole market, I only hv 2 hands and feet! I don't have the capacity to fulfill the voracious demand of the market. Much have I tried, but I know my limitations. And you ladies really know how to spend!!
Among my fellow DIYers, I've found some gems....ladies who are willing to share and help out when they can. Kita minta tolong buatkan templates, belikan barang...emergency bila jarum patah, kain rosak...phone mintak tips camana nak manouvre mesin, camana nak setting mesin, guna twin needle...seme la. Of course we know where to draw the line, jgn le sampai membebankan org lain pulak kan. But the fact that everybody is willing to give a helping hand when they can, that really makes me feel proud of my fellow DIYers. Byk info yg penjahit2 tudung share among each other...especially tips on the making of the tudung itself. From far and wide, we will call each other and talk.
So...my dearest fellow DIYers, u know who u are, this piece I dedicate to all of you. We may not mingle as much as before due to our tight schedule, I'm very guilty of that(!!), at nights like this, at which time I know some of you may still be awake, labouring to complete an order or a readymade collection, I think of you and your generosity. THANK YOU!
*sigh* back to the grind, Yela!

:) Thank you!
ur most welcomed, dear!
sis,nanti i nak deal lagi ngan u,hehe..tak sabar nunggu my tudung..hiks..
sabar ek, insyallah complete on due date.
yela, a friend in need is a friend indeed. tq.
indeed, catt!
sis,boleh bagi house map tak?coz' i'll come all the long way from terengganu untuk bagi sample tu..boleh ke i datang?dan untuk tambah collection sekali,hehe..
ummu...if u dtg frm trengganu semata2 nak bagi sample...pos aje la weh! but...if u dtg sbb lain but sambil2 tu nk singgah umah i, boleh aje!!
sambil menyelam minum air..ada kenduri kawin kat gombak,so,nak g rumah akak terus..bagi map boleh ke?
sambil menyelam minum air..ada kenduri kawin kat gombak,so,nak g rumah akak terus..bagi map boleh ke?
gombak dekat le. i map tak de, but dekat la dh dgn zoo.
ok,so,saya call akak ye,bila dah sampai kat zoo..yang ready made ada tak?hehehe..boleh angkat sekali,kalau2 ada kawan2 yang berkenan kat kerteh ni ha..
readymade kita tak de yg labuh2. but since u nk dtg, leh la tgk kain2 yg for the coming Cynosure Exclusive editions, booking siang2 gitu! Ramai yg complain tak sempat nak tgk pun org dh book di sebalik tabir! nak wat camna, org dtg umah dh nmpk kain tu. :)
ok..insyaAllah..see u on saturday then.saya pegi dalam pukul 12tgh gitu ye..ok ke?
ok, dtg aje.
Salam yela....
walaupun kita tak pernah jumpa tapi macam kenal je...
apa kata u buat persatuan pembuat tudung2 DIY se Malaysia... u jadi president ... i sokong ....
competitor tu salah rasanya.... yang lebih tepat kawan kawan senasib... ya lah senasib jahit tudung DIY... yg sebenarnya kalau tak jahit pun tak pa.... tak memberikan sebarang kesan yang besar dalam hidup.... tapi bila dah mula menjahit maka.... ha ha ha.... dah ketagih...
muahahahaa @ naha! President...fuh, bagi kat org lain yg buat full-time kerja DIY ni lagi bagus!
But I did think about forming a consortium of Diyers yg memenuhi piawai, so in cases when we can't fulfill an order, we can pass the work over with some kind of margin sharing gitu.Because some Diyers ada capacity but no market, some lak market ada, capacity lak tak de kan.
Bukan kawan2 senasib Naha, pompuan2 yg saja cari pasal! Hehehhehe! Gatal2 nak buat, hah now, sampai tak dpt tidur malam!
i suka yang...... saja cari pasal tu... he he ... tu memang tepat. Tapi ok la kan.. kira macam hobby gitu.. hobby yang berfaedah.
my son... sekarang ni bila orang tanya ... mak keje apa... dia kata .... mak saya jahit tudung ....
lol! tak de dah haku merewang kat KLCC and Pavillion dah. duk umah 24 hrs!!lama dh tak shopping brg2 kehendak. tak minat pun ada...tht's so unlike me!
Er.. sama lah kita. I rarely shop nowadays... or I actually salurkan nafsu shopping kepada membeli kain2 from you.. hehehe. So bila ke malls tak rasa nak shopping sangat dah, sebab dah mega shopping beli kain!
I think the consortium idea is great. Must lay down the standards in clear terms though.. might take some doing!
kak,pukul berapa ada kat umah?esok.pagi@tengahari?petang nak balik kt plak.
ummu..if u cn come in the morning would be good sbb i hv plans lined uo for tomorrow. how early u think u can be in ampang?
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